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January 24, 2006

A brand-new thread!

Hi there! I just got some patterns in the mail from Hot Patterns. I'm so excited! I bought the Hippy Chick dress, and the Buddha Baby skirt, and the Boho-Deluxe Patchouli dress.

I've been buying lots of fabric at Fabric Mart. They are the best! They ship right away, and they've got terrific prices. I'm nearly as in love with them as Paron (and Paron Annex) in Manhattan.

Erin over at Dress a Day has been posting fabulous stuff -- if you sew and like vintage, you should check her out.

I've got a late nights at the copy desk this week, so it'll be a bit before I can make up any muslins, but I'm very excited to get tracing and cutting and sewing.

Posted by Rose at 06:39 PM | Comments (3)

January 09, 2006

New knitting in the new year

It's taken a while to get into the full swing of knitting for recreation, but I'm making progress. I've finished the Mountain Mohair hat I started after Rhinebeck, and I've started on the mittens that go along with it. They're knit on size 2 needles, even though it's a worsted-weight yarn -- weird! I know the idea is to make a dense fabric, and that's great, but the knitting is a little hard on my hands.

One particular thing I've got to get better about is having travel knitting ready to go. I had gotten used to doing most of my knitting in a fixed location, and so it didn't really matter if projects were portable. What I'm finding now is that I most often want to knit on the subway, so it makes a big difference to my eventual output if I have travel projects available. My hat was knitted relatively quickly, and just recently I knocked out a baby hat in two days (though it still needs its details added on -- it's the Little Devil Hat from Kittyville.

I've finally started reading knitting blogs and knitting magazines again, and the urge to start new projects is growing strong. I love seeing what everyone else is up to! I even have some spinning projects in mind (for eventual knitting).

Posted by Rose at 02:58 PM | Comments (3)