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April 03, 2006

I've come to watch your flowers growing

It's spring!

And there's better migraine news! The Botox has been a wash, after the first three days were a disaster. I've restarted taking Topomax, which was the drug that worked in the first place. I'm guardedly optimistic, which is better than I've felt in months! I've had to take a lot less Imitrex, and my head feels clearer, and my background headaches are better, and I'm starting to think I'll be able to run again.

I'm so fucking excited! Yesterday I walked around five miles (probably a little over), going to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and to see a friend's musical, and walking back to the house along Prospect Park. It felt so damn good to use my legs for as long as that; my quads in particular were happy to see some action.

And daffodils and pansies and tulips and hooray.

Posted by Rose at April 3, 2006 09:27 PM


Congrats! That's great news. This weekend was perfect for walking -- I'm hoping this rain will clear up and we have a few more days like that -- walking the loop felt great.

Posted by: Cindy at April 4, 2006 11:18 PM

Ain't you got no rhymes for me?

Posted by: Lorinne at April 5, 2006 02:22 PM

saw your flickr pix... are you sure you live in NYC?!

whatcha knitting these days, girl?

and yay on the demise of headaches!

Posted by: gotcha at April 6, 2006 09:41 PM

Hello fellow runner who knits! Got to your blog via the runnergirl ring - which I did not know about!

Posted by: Melissa at April 14, 2006 12:41 PM

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