May 02, 2007

The Tie Project, days 114 to 119

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our ties.

Day 114. At times in the past when people have asked me to describe the things I like to wear, I've said "quiet but loud", which is to say, busy patterns in subdued colors (like day 117 below). I think that description has gotten less and less apt over the years. This is a pretty vivid combo, for instance; I particularly like the way the shirt and the tie have the same blue highlights.


Day 115. I don't remember when I bought either of these, although I think they were bought during the Boerum Hill years, when I acquired a really big closet for the first time and my wardrobe expanded prodigiously, unconstrained by East Village-size closet proportions.


Day 116. I love this outfit. It feels very nocturnal. The shirt and the tie are both from Daffy's; I think the shirt may be from the trip on which I first discovered Daffy's and the wonders therein.


Day 117. I like that both patterns are rectilinear, but at 45 degree angles to each other. The yellow, gray, and what would you call that reddish color? carmine? are especially good matches.


Day 118. Another shirt from Daffy's. Everybody say it with me: "I usually wear this shirt with another tie, but I couldn't find it, so I went with one of the backups." It'll turn up eventually. The other tie makes the shirt seem more subdued, while this one makes it seem brighter.


Day 119. I believe this may be my most popular combination ever. I wore this to Erin's party of nothing but fabulous people, and almost every single person came up to me at some point and said how much they liked it. One woman recognized me from earlier in the day -- we'd passed each other in opposite directions walking along Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn -- because she remembered my outfit. I was feeling pretty chuffed by the end of the evening.


One of the brilliant party attendees was Brad Paley, who had brought along copies of a chart he'd designed showing interconnections between different branches of science (mapped by noting when the same reference was cited in two different papers from different disciplines). A version of the chart can be seen here, although the one he brought was more colorful -- and, he noted, kind of matched my shirt as well.

Posted by Francis at 12:31 AM in Ties

There should be a version of Brad's chart with an inset box labeled "Therapeutic Research (detail)," showing a photo of your outfit.

Posted by: India at May 2, 2007 09:03 AM

I share your love for 116. But then, grey is my favorite color. (I felt so symbolic yesterday.)

Posted by: Rubrick at May 2, 2007 04:08 PM

I just spent the last half hour looking through all of your tie postings. Very entertaining.

My husband was given a very colorful tie (red, green, teal, burgundy, gold, and white on navy). The design is burning tapers, some smooth, some spirals. Do you accept ties from your fans?

P.S. Heard you constructed the Friday Sun. I mentioned that on my blog, referenced the Tie Project, and linked to you.

Posted by: Linda G at May 4, 2007 12:07 AM

I do accept ties...assuming their owners don't object to having them reallocated elsewhere. Is this, then, a tie your husband looked at and said, "I am so never going to wear that"? (^_^)

Posted by: Francis at May 4, 2007 03:35 AM
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