October 08, 2004

A little too fresh

A deliveryman from Fresh Direct was recently busted for making obscene, threatening phone calls to customers.

A Fresh Direct grocery truck driver confessed to making filthy phone calls to female customers -- including a pregnant woman he threatened to rape, authorities said yesterday.

"I was just doing it for fun," ex-con Erik Reynolds, 33, allegedly told cops after he was busted. "When I make deliveries to women, I like to flirt and then I call them to play around."

Perhaps "flirting" needs to be covered a bit more extensively in sex ed classes.

(Via The Morning News.)

Posted by Francis at 11:31 AM | TrackBack

Ewwww! Just when I had decided that we should start using them! I guess they did get rid of the culprit, though.

Posted by: Rose at October 8, 2004 01:20 PM