June 29, 2004

And if you complain once more, I'll make an icon of me

I've been playing with a couple of online portrait toys this week. Portrait Illustration Maker produces a picture that's just the right size for a LiveJournal icon. The fact that this is a blog and not a livejournal did not dissuade me. This is what I came up with:


Good thing I shaved recently, because they didn't have any facial hair options that were close to my former beard at all.

Anyway, that was okay, but I had a much better time playing with Mr. Picasso Head.


I also made a portrait of Rose while I was at it.


Having shaved the beard, my half of the pair of cartoons I drew for our wedding program is now out of date. I may need to make a new one (since I still use it as clip art on my freelance invoices). Of course, it was a little lax to start out with, what with the hair being parted on the wrong side and all. Rose's is still pretty accurate, though.


Posted by Francis at 02:01 AM

you shaved?! Traitor!

Posted by: Ken/Cazique at June 29, 2004 11:03 AM